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@SheShares Empowers Us All

Did that really just happen? Have I actually understood that women all around Bahrain and the Middle East are banding together in the name of community?

Yes, you read right. There is now a group called @Sheshares located in the most appropriate place: social media platforms. @SheShares brings women together who want to support one another in the name of sisterhood. Sheshares is a female community full of different professionals that support women and children in Bahrain through discussions with members of the group while sharing the subject of the month in whatever fashion that the individual members prefer on their social media accounts. These methods may include sharing a video, discussing the subject of the month in their own story or more. Sheshares is a supporter of #theglobalgoals and SDGS along with having many members of Sheshares being active members of the @smcbahrain.

I for one chose to write this article which will be published on the KhaleejiGirl website along with other publications to raise awareness about @SheShares.

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