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Who Would Ever Want to Be a Princess After This? by Noor Alaweyat

We continue seeing the highs and lows of our lives throughout this month. However, regardless of what a @Khaleejigirl has gone through in March, be it not getting paid on time, not getting praised for her efforts at home/work or more, a @Khaleejigirl can’t help but finally shut down all of her dreams of ever wanting to be a princess. Just look at the somewhat fearful matters that happened to Meghan Markle when she not only married Prince Harry, but when this couple decided to walk away from the royal family in 2019. Finally, we can put speculation to a halt over our own opinions of this former Suits actor; the former royal couple sat down with Oprah for a raw interview that ranged in topics from why they left the family to how tabloid scrutiny about the couple but particularly about Meghan affected her mental state that led to dark thoughts and uncharacteristic behaviour. Now who does that remind us of?

Princess Diana, Prince Harry’s mother was also a major media and tabloid target that may have led to her death in 1997. However, while Diana was frequently physically harassed by members of the press, Markle is subject to digital harassment, with British tabloids in particular reporting negative stories about her.

The point of this article is to take a stand for what YOU want. When Meghan and Harry found themselves unhappy and did not want history to repeat itself, they found a way out. Are there sacrifices that have to be made? Unquestionably there are and unfortunately, we can’t have our cake and eat it too; however, when you sit yourself down and have a serious and real conversation about what you want out of life, the truth could be an answer you never knew you could have. But when you take the risk, anything is possible.

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